Some Aspects You Need To Know About a Recording Studio


Recording studios are specialized facilities where spoken words and mixing and recording of vocal or instrumental musical performances are done. These studios are found in varying sizes. Again, they have spaces for an orchestra of one hundred or more musicians. Commonly, an audio engineer or acoustician designs spaces for both monitoring and recording. A recording studio is utilized for instrumental musicians, such as saxophones, pianos, electric guitars, etc. or record singers. When it is a common recording studio, then you will find a room that is known as a live room or studio that remains armed with mic stands and microphones and here, vocalists and instrumentalists perform. 

Equipment you will find in recording studios

When you observe popular recording studios, such as Brooklyn recording studios, you will find some basic equipment, and they are:

  • Desktop or laptop computer – Every recording studio has a decent-quality computer that has a superb processor. Again, it has various kinds of ports too that help in connecting external hard drives, audio interfaces, and MIDI devices. Every audio producer needs to shop around as well as observe specifications for comparing outlets and onboard equipment to choose a machine that would fit well to their requirements and budget.
  • Stands and microphones – If it is a large pro studio, then you will find a huge array of microphones for various voice types and instruments. Again, you will also find industry-standard mics that are utilized for several purposes, such as stage performance and speaking engagements. Various kinds of mic stands are utilized in studio settings that include boom, standard, desk, and floor. 
  • Digital Audio Workstation – An excellent DAW is mandatory for the starting audio producers. At the same time, audio producers who have lesser robust machines must consider the DAW that they will use to avoid overtaxing the resources of their computers. 
  • Mixing board – When the DAW of an audio producer has got a built-in mixing board, then physical mixing boards will not seem to be important. Nonetheless, when you have a fundamental mixing board, then it will act as a vital piece of equipment that would work well for a committed audio producer. A mixing board will be found with various channels, and they are utilized for setting levels to control volume, record, and output. Again, mixing boards are also used for adding effects to recordings. At times, audio producers also consider some industry-standard brand boards too.
  • Sounds baffles – A few rooms remain acoustically prepared to record unless they tend to be custom-built. Sound baffles assist in neutralizing rooms so that unintentional sounds do not enter a recording room. When a studio has area rugs, hardwood floors, and carpets, they confine bounce and echo in recorded sounds. And sound baffles that are created from padded or foam cloth are mounted on recording studios’ walls for further confinement of outer sound. 
  • Mixing headphones or DJ– If you see Brooklyn recording studios, you will find that not every mixing headphone is equal. Hence, an audio producer must take into consideration industry-standard mixing headphones that propose strong headphone choices for in-studio monitoring and mixing.