How to organise a party for both the to the buck and the hen


    A lot of things have changed as far as the tradition of weddings is concerned. Marriage might still have the same meaning but the rituals of getting married have changed over the years. One of the important things that have changed over the years is how men and women celebrate the last days of being single. In the past guys would get together with other guys and do the traditional stripper send-off whilst women would go off on their own and have tea parties and drunken bar crawl where the bride would kiss random men just because. These brides and groom and their respective friends get together to party with each other. These Bucks party ideas Melbourne are worth a try:

    Get physical

    You can challenge each other to a game of some sort to prove who is the fastest or the cleverest. Create a competitive atmosphere and make it about boys vs. girls in some sort of game. Thrown in some alcohol or some sort of funny reward for the loser. Drinking can also be a competitive sport. When the games are over, keep things going by going to the strip club, or bar and having the losing team pick up the tab. 

    Rent a party bus

    If you and your significant other are looking to combine bucks and hen party activities like hitting a couple of bars, a few strip clubs, and partying until the sun comes up, you can hire a party bus. These buses are equipped with the best things you will need for a party. The party can go on as you drive around Melbourne. You don’t even need to have a specific destination in mind, just the desire to have a great time. A couple of adult entertainment service providers hire out these tricked-out buses complete with live entertainment and your very own DJ or bartender. 

    Try Amusement Park

    Do you like amusement parks? The beauty about amusement parks is that they offer so much variety. Let your inner kid out and try all the rides, drink and eat as much pop-corn and candy floss as you want. Dare each other to get on the wildest and scariest ride in the park. See who can hold out the longest without puking. You can end the night by going to a strip club. Nothing rounds up adult fun like music and naked dancers. 

    Escape to the great outdoors

    How does a sleepaway camp sound? If the weather is right and your friends are game you can take a camping trip into the wild. Try a park with activities you can pass the day with like white water rafting or rock climbing. Or simply just find a camping ground by a nice lake and have a relaxing outing. Sleepaway camps aren’t for kids; couples can enjoy camping with their partners. You can end the night outside gazing at stars or goofing around. You can bring your own booze – just make sure you have enough so you don’t run out before the night is over. 

    A bucks night party does not have to be a complicated event. The best Bucks party ideas Melbourne are the ones where everyone can participate and have a great time. The point is to have fun with friends and you can do that in your own home. Invite your friends for some barbeque. You don’t have to be bogged down with planning and getting everyone to come to be in one spot at the same time. 

    You could keep things simple and have a backyard party. You can do other creative things like have everyone dress up like their favourite superhero or their Fortnite avatar (if you are into games). Get some fun decorations, some games, lots of food, and booze to celebrate until the wee hours of the morning.