How is Zeptagram useful for music lovers?


Music has a profound impact on our health. By listening to soothing music, there will be great relaxation. You can forget the day’s hard work and rejuvenate your body and soul by listening to your favorite artist’s immersive music.

New Platform 

With the introduction of Zeptagram in the music industry, there will be drastic changes in the way music will be produced, owned, marketed, and profited by various music stakeholders. The Sweden-based multi-disciplinary platform powered by technology, music, and finance will revolutionize the profitability of music creators.

Evolution of Zeptagram

Zeptagram is invented respected Swedish musicians, namely Christina Löwenström and Johan Forsman Löwenström. Having come across the multitude of issues faced by music publishers, they have devised a platform to address their issues. In this process, Zeptagram has answered the needs of music creators and brought new revenue generation prospects for fans and labels.

Prospects for music fans 

Music fans and followers will buy albums through various channels, including DVDs, CDs, and online stores. The online sources include Amazon’s Music Store, iTunes, and other apps.

  • Investment – Zeptagram facilitates music fans to invest in music Intellectual Property (IP) rights also. By buying music rights, fans will be able to generate money.
  • Addition of value – As music composers and singers add value to the music, the stakeholders will also reap benefits.
  • Music stock exchange – Zeptagram can be considered as the music stock exchange. It is similar to the financial stock exchange, such as the New York Stock Exchange, London Stock Exchange, and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. At traditional stock exchanges, you can invest in various companies involved in manufacturing, infrastructure, finance, services, telecom, space, etc. You will invest in companies in which you have the domain knowledge, fundamentals of the business, future growth, and enterprise profitability. Similarly, Zeptagram will help you invest in different artists and music albums.
  • Distributed publishing rights – Music creators will be able to distribute and Buy Music Royalty Rights Online to many investors. The distributed ledger technology will help artists to monetize their publishing rights. Music lovers present in various countries will be able to access the platform.
  • Fair compensation – Artists will get fair compensation to their talents and skills to introduce blockchain technology.
  • Zeptagram is poised to promise fair compensation to music developers. Singers, composers, and other stakeholders will share the distribution rights to multiple users, and they can exercise absolute control on the distribution. It will also help fans to support their favorite artists by investing in their music albums.
  • Full-stop to auctioning rights – The current auctioning mechanism gives absolute and undisputed rights to the winner. The one who makes the deal will get the entire outcome while the artists remain in dismay.
  • Level playing field – Zeptagram will play a crucial role in shaping the music industry in the coming months and years. At the moment, the largest chunk of music gains is made by distributors such as record labeling companies, radio stations, and online platforms. By leveraging the blockchain technology, it is possible to tokenize the rights to users. It will help in reclaiming the lost territory by the music composers.
  • Smart contracts – The online platform facilitates crowdfunding facility for artists. Artists present in every nook and corner of the world will be able to access funds by their fans. The smart contracts executed by them will help in sharing the royalty rights partially.
  • Tokenized Music Rights – Through Music Trading Sites Sweden campaigns, a community of fans and followers can invest in Tokenized Music Rights. The music tokens can be traded with other investors on the Zeptagram app.


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