Booking a Live Band for a Wedding Party? Here’s What you Need To Know Before You Pick One!


    It’s debatable – whether a live band is suitable for a wedding party. People would say – Corporate events are still fine, but weddings? Like, really? Aren’t they too loud? Do they know anything about wedding music at all since all they do is play DJs in concerts? If you are being hammered with such questions because you have a desire to hire a live band to play at your wedding, then we’d like to tell you that, when the band you choose is right, there’s nothing that can beat the tempo that live music can set. But that is, when the band is right.

    So, how to find out about the band and its credentials? If that’s what’s been keeping you occupied, then, worry not. We have all the information you need listed below.

    1. The Band Has To Have Experience

    Only a few live bands like MJB entertainment make it to the list of best bands to play at weddings. Ever wondered, why? Well, it’s because they have experience in playing music for 50 years in combination with global musicians and they have been playing as a solo band for 12 long years. What does that prove?

    • They have acquired a taste for music of all kinds from all over the world.
    • Their range of music stretches much farther. They can play retro, classic, country music, and everything that one can think of.
    1. The Band Should Be Able to Handle Guests

    We do not mean that live bands heckle guests. What we mean is, all of them don’t consider playing the requests made by guests. And it certainly doesn’t mean that guests heckle bands for not playing their requests. What we mean is, there’s no fun left to music when the crowd feels detached. That’s why you need to have a band that  can pep up your guests and keep them on their toes at all times.

    1. The Band Must Follow Transparency

    Anything that comes with a hidden cost or clause is a center of suspicion. Which is why a band must be transparent in its policy.

    • If the customer wants to hear the band before making a booking, they must play a demo song.
    • The price should justify their rapport. Any hidden cost is not appreciated.

    On a closing note, it’s best that you ask for price quotes from a few other bands so that you can get an idea if or not the one you like is offering their services at a fair price.


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